Three finalists announced for Pionierpreis 2022

The three start-ups who will definitely benefit from the Pionierpreis 2022 have been announced. During the award ceremony on May 10, 2022, in Technopark Zurich one of the candidates will be the 2022 recipient of nearly 100,000 Swiss francs in prize money, while the other two finalists will receive a cheque for nearly 10,000 Swiss francs. Isochronic AG in Denges in Canton Vaud ( has developed a pick-and-place robot mechanism which sorts out objects continuously (as opposed to conventional robots, which pick up one object at a time in serial order). The new isochronic robots thus complete tasks many times faster than conventional robots and require less space. LifeMatrix Technologies AG in Zurich ( develops biomimetic implants for heart and blood vessel surgery, particularly targeted at pediatric patients. The implants consist of polymers that are molded into the shape of the vessel to be replaced and degradable in the body. After the procedure, the patient’s natural cells reform around the implant, integrating it into the body. When the implant is degraded, natural tissue (e.g., blood vessels or heart valves) made of the patient’s own cells remains and grows with the patient. Lumiphase AG in Kilchberg near Zurich ( has developed a new generation of electro-optical semiconductor chips based on nanometer-thick barium titanate crystals (BTO) which convert electronic pulses into light pulses to be sent across fiber optic cables, with twice the data throughput at 30 percent lower cost and with 70 percent power savings.


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