Matriq AG wins Pionierpreis 2021

A process for the tamper-proof marking of plastic components with individual codes receives one of Switzerland’s most important innovation awards.

Matriq AG, founded in St. Gallen in October 2019, received the Pionierpreis 2021, worth nearly 100,000 Swiss francs, at a ceremony held at Technopark Zurich. With its patented technology, matriq AG can mark plastic parts clearly, individually and tamper-proof – cheaper, faster and more secure than previously used technologies. Medical, safety-critical and particularly high-value objects made of plastic often have to be traceable. To mark them individually, matriq has developed a mold insert with a diameter of 8 mm that is equipped with two hundred tiny heating elements. These are individually controlled electronically and can thus apply 2D coding in data matrix format – similar to a QR code – to the still moldable plastic element in a fraction of a second. Embossing takes place in the manufacturing machine, eliminating the need for further marking processes. Additional peripheral devices are thus no longer required.

“Winning the Pionierpreis is a great honor for us,” says André Bernard, co-founder and CEO of matriq AG. “The award is also a sign of recognition of the pioneering spirit and innovation of Eastern Switzerland. It motivates young people to dare to spin off and found their own start-ups.”


André Bernard, co-founder and CEO of matriq AG

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