Pionierpreis has a new look

To coincide with the award ceremony for the 2022 Pionierpreis, its sponsors, Zürcher Kantonalbank and Technopark Zurich, have launched a completely new website for this leading award for Swiss innovators. “The goal is to noticeably increase the reach of the Pionierpreis,” says Dr. Matthias Hölling, Team Leader Foundation Areas at the Technopark Zurich Foundation. He continues: “The website and most communications will therefore be in English to make the award more accessible to potential applicants from all over Switzerland and founders originating from other countries. In addition, we have increased the eligibility period for all applicants to five years after the founding of their start-ups.” 

The international appearance will better reach companies in all regions of Switzerland, as well as the many engineers and scientists who have come to Switzerland from abroad. Also, the Pionierpreis aims to do justice to Switzerland’s worldwide reputation as a leading location for innovation. The start of the application period will be announced to a broader audience in the future.


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